Sunday, 25 June 2017
[Still in the school Richie hides from the men hunting him
....he sits on bench under a tree...someone taps him from the back]
APRIL: Richie....
RICHIE:(He turns scared....)....oh April you scared me....
APRIL: Is anything the matter.....i saw you from afar look so reckless...
RICHIE: Nothing is wrong....
APRIL: You sure...??
RICHIE: I am....
APRIL: So what about Daniel....i have been trying his line but it is switched off....
RICHIE: He went home to see his family will be back soon....
APRIL: And he did not let me know...
RICHIE: It was sudden...
APRIL: And where is this place...??
RICHIE: That i don't know....
APRIL: Aren't you his best friend....
RICHIE: I am....but i did not ask him....but am sure he will be back soon....
APRIL: Alright....i will keep trying his line...take care....(she leaves as Richie ...goes away)
[Daniel was taken to the panseke police station and was locked in the cell....without hearing the side of his story....or even an the day fades away..the sun takes his rest and the moon awakes..some leave while others came for the night duty]
DPO: I will be going home.....where is corporal akin and sergeant Paul....??
SERGEANT FEMI: They have closed for the day
DPO: many of you are on duty this evening...??
CORPORAL SAM: Three sir.....but we await corporal saka....
DPO: Always coming late....alright....take charge of this station...and watch that criminal very well....
SERGEANT FEMI: Sure sir.....have a nice night
DPO: I will....take care..
CORPORAL SAM: Same sir....(the DPO....leaves as sergeant femi and corporal sam remains.)
SERGEANT FEMI: and buy me amala across the road
CORPORAL SAM: Oga is too soon now...
SERGEANT FEMI: Cant you see the time is to six....go before "iya dupe" close......
CORPORAL SAM: Alright....i don hear....(he picks the cooler from the shelf....and opens it....)....oga the cooler no
SERGEANT FEMI: Give the plate to the woman.....and come back...why are you behaving like a novice....
CORPORAL SAM: No mind me oga....(he leaves as sergeant femi looks to be sure corporal sam has gone......he goes to open the door to the cell....)
SERGEANT FEMI:Hey...(he sees Daniel as he ponders....)....hey....(he opens the cell....)....listen....i am here to help you escape....don't say anything....i want you to go to first point hotel....a package is waiting for you.....
DANIEL: I don't understand....who are you...??
SERGEANT: I don't have time to talk too much...lets just say papi helped my life....
DANIEL: What will happen to you...??
SERGEANT FEMI: I find something to cover up......take this money and go now....(Daniel takes the #3000 and runs out of the cell....and out of the police station......sergeant goes back to the counter and hits his head with his pistol he falls to the ground screaming "help"....corporal saka comes in....)
SERGEANT FEMI: Help me....(as he crawls on the ground.....)
CORPORAL SAKA: What happened here....??
SERGEANT FEMI: A prisoner for backup....
CORPORAL SAKA: He goes into an office to call for backup....
[Daniel goes to the hotel called "first point".....he sees the receptionist....]
DANIEL: Good evening..
RECEPTIONIST: Good evening sir....what can we do for you....??
DANIEL: I am Daniel nwoke......i think i have a package to collect here.....
RECEPTIONIST: Let me check through....(she checks through the file).....yes....we have a package from Mr femi..and a two days paid room for is the key to room 45 upstairs....second room at the left.....
DANIEL:(Totally confused....)....Alright...(he collects the key and the package....and go to the room lodged for him....he enters the room which is fashionable....he goes to the bathroom....takes his bath....he opens the wardrobe....seeing only a t-shirt...makes him wonder if everything was planned....he puts it on.....he goes back to the bed....sits on it...and opens the big sealed packed envelope....the first thing he sees makes him totally confuse and uneasy....)
WRITTEN BY BELIEVE.C....ANY COMMENTS CHAT ME UP....08189466125/08133476693...
[Daniel feeling totally uneasy as he opens the envelope....he sees pictures of don Williams with some a small white nylon contains a flash drive....he takes the flash still it on a USB port found in the LG LCD television ....he switches it on....and plays the first item of flash drive.... as don Williams speaks with the dealers on their hard drug transaction.....with transcripts of their illegal business profile......after a thorough watch of the flash drive....he searched through the envelope like a hungry predator and sees a small disc....he inserts it on the DvD all placed in his hotel room ....the disc plays and shows James.......]
JAMES: To who ever watching this.....i pray you bring don Williams down....(hearing that sweat ran down his spine....) name is James enyi.....i worked as an inspector in the Nigerian police along with my partner Charles nwoke....we worked so hard to expose don williams bright...but all was filled with corruption....we got strong evidence against him....enough to put him behind bars......but the force was corrupt....DPO Adeleye....betrayed the force and made us convicts in our own country.....i am doing this as a sign of evidence if i die in this case.....whoever watching this...remember don't trust anyone...(the video stops....still pondering someone knocks at the door.....)
DANIEL: Who is that....?
SERGEANT FEMI: Is me sergeant femi....(hearing that he opens the he enters) are you doing..?
DANIEL: I don't understand....why is don Williams connected to me....what is going on...?
SERGEANT FEMI: I will tell you all about it....but for now.....we need to get out of here.......take all the evidence and come with me....(he packs the evidence back into the envelope and together they go out....)
SERGEANT FEMI: enter the car....(he enters the front seat of the old "Toyota" femi drives....still driving...)
DANIEL: Why are you doing this for me....?
SERGEANT FEMI: Like i said before.....papi has helped me a lot....(they drive to a big factory...) this is the only place you cant be seen...come on lets go inside..(they go inside the empty femi closes the big metal door...).....well here we are.....
DANIEL: Why did you shut the door....if we are safe here....?
SERGEANT FEMI: I can see you are thinking smart....well lets just say....i am here to kill you.....quietly
DANIEL:(Surprised)... kill me......kill me....but i thought you said you wanted to help me....
SERGEANT FEMI: Help you...?...(he laughs sarcastically...)....i am here for the money that's all...
DANIEL: Now....i helped to lure me in getting the evidence kill me and take back the evidence to don Williams and you take the money alone so clean...without the force sniffing....
SERGEANT FEMI: Yes..yes....that is the idea....i prefer to have the money alone then being shared with the force all together....
DANIEL: How did you get the evidence....
SERGEANT FEMI: i saw it while inspecting your house and kept it to myself....(he laughs....)they contacted the DPO.....but he insisted on moving your case to Lagos... such a fool....and then they contacted me....i told them i have the evidence ...and i still chose to silence you...sorry time to die...(he place his hand to his back pocket but no sign of the pistol.....)
DANIEL:(brings it out and points it to femi..) you are wrong i trust no one....(he fires the shot straight to sergeant femi's head as he falls to the ground dead....(Daniel goes out with the evidence....enters the car and zoom off..)
[Back in Lagos....April enters the smallest living room of all other living room....she sits on the sofa....she sees a file....placed close to her....she takes it..... opens it and see profile and pictures of Daniel....totally confused....]
APRIL: What is this....what is Daniel's picture doing here....(she knew that her dad was up to something....she close the file....went to her bedroom...dress up and out she goes.....driving her car to see Richie....her phone rings...)
ARPIL: Hello....who is this...?...(as she answered the call....)
UNKNOWN: This is Daniel....
APRIL: Daniel....Daniel..where are you....i have been trying your line....where are you now..?
DANIEL: I am in Lagos now....i want you to come to tantalizer at Anthony way,Ikeja...i am waiting for you there....
APRIL: Alright coming there now....(she reverse her car....and drives in the opposite direction....a 20 minutes drive she gets to tantalizer....her phone rings as she receives the call....)
DANIEL: I am sitting at the end on the left wing....putting on the black cap....
APRIL:(Alright...she enters the fast food joint and moves to the direction described...she moves to the man putting on a black cap.........)....Daniel... Daniel....(she hugs him happily....).....what is going on.......
DANIEL: I am just keeping a low key....
APRIL:(she sits...)..I saw some pictures and profile of you in my house....what is going on.....?
DANIEL: Everything is sure your dad had that...because....he wants to know the kind of guy i am.....
APRIL: Then why were you away....for two weeks.....
DANIEL: Just some problems in school which i have resolved...
APRIL:Ok....if you say so....
DANIEL:I want you to feel at ease.....there is nothing wrong......common drink while we go to my place to spend the time...(april drinks up the cup of wine same for Daniel in a separate cup....)........alright lets go to my place....(they go where the toyota is packed....)
APRIL:Whose car is this....?
DANIEL:Its my dad's car....which he no longer uses....
APRIL:I thought you said your dad was dead.....
DANIEL:He is dead....but the car is alive....common enter....(she enters as he enters too..starts the car and drives.....)
APRIL:What is wrong..i feel dizzy....i...i fe... f...di......z.....zy....(she falls and sleeps due to the sleeping tonic...daniel put in her drink......)
DANIEL:I am so sorry are now part of my enemies.....
(The scene ends........)
[April falls asleep due to the sleeping tonic...daniel put in her drink.........)
DANIEL:(He looks at her as he drives the car....) I am so sorry are now part of my enemies.....(as he takes his head away from April to face the road a truck loaded with goods hit Daniel's car and shifts it totally off the road ...Daniel and April were rushed to a nearby hospital by good samaritans....days in the hospital....Doctor Wilson communicated Don williams after failed forms of commmunication....]
DON WILLIAMS:Is my princess safe....?....(he moves to and fro...)
DOCTOR WILSON:She is fine....she was in an unconscious state when the accident occured so she was not so affected....but the young man.....
DON WILLIAMS:Young man...?...(totally bewildered....)...what young man...?
DOCTOR WILSON:Your daughter was found in the company of a young man....he is unstable right now...
DON WILLIAMS:Can i see this young man....?
DOCTOR WILSON:Sure....follow me....(Don williams follows doctor wilson to Daniel's ward.)
DOCTOR WILSON:Here we are....this is the young man....(points at unconcious his head is bandaged same with his right hand.....looks at don williams face where shock is written over...).do you know him....?
DON WILLIAMS:I do....well he is a friend to my daughter....
DOCTOR WILSON:We tried to contact people he knows so well from his phone contact but none were reachable.....
DON did you find anything on him.....
DOCTOR WILSON:hmm...none....only his phone....
DON WILLIAMS:Alright...what about the bashed car...?
DOCTOR WILSON:The car was taken away from the the road officials.....
DON WILLIAMS:Ok....can i see my
DOCTOR WILSON:Sure sir.....the nurse here will take you to her ward...i am so engrossed with my work...
DON WILLIAMS:Its alright doctor....(he goes with her to April's ward....)
NURSE:Here we are sir...she is presently resting..
DON WILLIAMS:Hmm...that is alright nurse...i want my daughter to get well boys will clear the bill...
NURSE:What about that of the young man...?
DON WILLIAMS:Same...leave me with my daughter...for some minutes
NURSE:Ok...sir....if you need anything let me know sir.....
DON WILLIAMS:Good...(the nurse don williams spends time with his daughter.)
[Day later don williams is found in his garden...talking to Bruno his right hand man....]
BRUNO:Boss....but the doctor said he has amnesia....
DON WILLIAMS:I know but to play safe....i want him totally out of the way....
BRUNO:How mean kill him...?
DON WILLIAMS:Yes fool....sneak him out of the hospital and kill the bastard....
BRUNO:Alright boss....we will have it done tonight....
DON WILLIAMS:Good...(he sips the wine from his glass cup....)
[In the Royal in masks storms the hospital...]
MAN1:Everybody down.......(another push the security men from behind....holding an SMG gun...) and you go to that ward...bring out the package...(right boss....the two masked men move into the precise ward and carry out the package...they move the package into a wagon vehicle...and out they go.....)
BRUNO:(Removes the mask as the vehicle moves....)....this man has memory loss....not even conscious....
MAN2:Boss there is no need to kill this young man...he is already dead...lets just drop him at the next bus-stop....
BRUNO:Hmmm....that true but the boss insists we finish him....stop the vehicle....(the driver stops...)bring him out...(they bring daniel out and drop him on the road path as they all come down from the truck...)
MAN3:Boss lets do this quick....the police maybe nearby....its so late...
BRUNO:(He removes his 9mm pistol cracks the top of the gun and place it towards Daniel's head....his hand towards the trigger...)...lets go...(he withdraws.)
MAN2:Boss you didnt shoot...?
BRUNO:This man is already dead....he cant survive him at the middle of the road....a car will ride on him...(they carry daniel and place him at the centre of the road....)...good lets get out of here.....(they go....and speed away...)
[A neat range rover approaches daniel...]
DRIVER:Boss...there is a person lying on the road...
DON RAY:At this late hour....Brosco go check it out....
BROSCO:Alright boss...(armed brosco comes out of the car to check on the person)....boss the person is still alive..
DON RAY:Bring him in...
BROSCO:(he carries daniel into the range rover....)It seems he was taken out of an hospital...bandage on his head and hand...
DON RAY:It seems so....this man needs medical attention.... take him straight to the nearest hospital.....
DRIVER:Ok....sure...(the driver drives them to the nearest the scene ends....)
Written by me 08133476693/08189466125.
[Daniel was taken to the hospital that early morning...later at 10AM don kay dressed in a white pant brown blazer and a brown hat to cap it...comes to see daniel as the doctor speaks with him]
DOCTOR WUMI:He is fine....thank God he was found on time.....
DON RAY:yeah...its seems he was kidnapped from an hopital...
DOCTOR WUMI:Thought so too.....he is dressed in a patient uniform....i feel i should report this case to the authorities..
DON RAY:This young man's case interests me....for his safety....i feel no one should know about him for now...
DOCTOR WUMI:That i cant promise sir....
DON RAY:Listen....(a nurse comes in and interrupts don kay)...
NURSE VIVIAN:That new patient brought in this morning....has regained consciouness..
DON KAY:You mean the young man i brought here...
NURSE VIVIAN:Yes....sir...(they all go to daniel ward to see he speaks with another nurse....)
DANIEL:Where am i...where am i...?
NURSE2:Please calm down are in an hospital....(doctor wumi,don kay and the nurse enters the ward....)
DOCTOR WUMI:What is wrong with him....?
NURSE2:He just regained consciousness and started screaming until we calmed him down.....
DOCTOR WUMI:(She goes to him...)can you remember
DANIEL:Where am i ...?...what am i doing here...?
DOCTOR WUMI:This is an had a car accident and was brought do not remember...?
DANIEL:I dont remember doctor...i feel void....i feel empty....
DOCTOR WUMI:Ehm....nurse vivian give him his medication ....let him rest...
NURSE VIVIAN:Alright doctor....(doctor wumi and don kay goes out)
DOCTOR WUMI:The young man is suffering from severe amnesia...
DON KAY:Which means.what......?
DOCTOR WUMI:His memory is lost....a severe hit to his cerebrum....that is a part of his brain....all due to the accident he had...
DON the memory loss permanent or temporary....?
DOCTOR WUMI:It all depends to his may take years to regain a single information in his memory....
DON KAY:Hmm....
DOCTOR WUMI:I feel there more to this....
DON KAY:Listen doctor...this man is suffering from amnesia...was kidnapped from an hospital and left on the road to die....his life his in danger....
DOCTOR WUMI:That is the reason why i want to contact the authorities....
DON KAY:Leave it to me ....i will handle it...i am now involved in that young man's life...
DOCTOR WUMI:Alright...if you so say....he will be discharged from the hospital tomorow....
DON KAY:Alright....his bill has been cleared...
DOCTOR WUMI:Thank you mr....?
DON KAY:Don kay....
DOCTOR WUMI:Alright...(she leaves as don kay goes out to his jeep...)
[Two days later.....daniel his dressed in an expensive causal clothes in the fashioned digital duplex of don kay...he sits on the don kay sits opposite him smoking his cigar and his boys at his back]
DON KAY:Your name is kelvin....kelvin lawson...and my son....
DANIEL:(Sounds confusing to his ears..)..i....i am sorry father but i have no memory of that....
DON KAY:I understand is all due to the accident....
DON KAY:none...You are my only will be going to the US....for your education....then later you will get involved in my business..
DANIEL:Thank you father..ehm (sighs).i need to rest...
DON can go to your room....
DANIEL:Thank you father ...(he goes upstairs...)
DON KAY:He must not know the truth...(talking to his guards..)
[In Don williams house April sits on the crouch still probably don williams comes in....]
DON WILLIAMS:How are you doing my princess..?
APRIL:Fine dad....ehm dad..(she sits upright..) what about daniel....i asked the doctor and the nurses but they said nothing...
DON WILLIAMS:Who is that...who is daniel...?
APRIL:My friend...we were in the same car together...
DON WILLIAMS:oh...i get it.....child that young man is dead....he died in the car acccident....
APRIL:What...what...(she faints as the scene ends.....)
Watch out for the next episode....drop your comments below....08189466125/08133476693...
[Five years later....Daniel now kelvin Lawson living a new life returns to Nigeria after graduating from Stanford university with a major in Business administration
....this scene opens up in the airport where kelvin is back from the United states of America.....]
DON KAY: boy welcome home....
KELVIN: Dad....(he hugs him...) are you doing...?
DON KAY: Your old man is is the USA...
KELVIN: back finally in Nigeria....
DON KAY: Very good..come on lets go home...(they move along as the bodyguards carry the four travelling bags) [In a bar Daniel now kelvin chill out with his friend Charles...]
CHARLES: My guy you are welcome back to Nigeria....
KELVIN: Feels good to be back man....but why did you leave the US so soon.
CHARLES: Man....that white bitch won't let me.
KELVIN: You mean Prisca...?
CHARLES: Yes.... she keep on disturbing my ass i had to leave....
KELVIN: That is your way bro....for me i finalized all i had with all those white chicks..
CHARLES: I tell you the black girls are so hot than those white ones...
KELVIN: I feel all girls are better in their own way either white or black...
CHARLES: Mr speaker...i hear you...
KELVIN: Alright go student...(both laugh)...
CHARLES: Their problem is too much....right now i am engaged with a black Nigerian beauty...
KELVIN: to meet her....
CHARLES: are invited for dinner on Friday at my place....
KELVIN: Alright...
CHARLES: Dont worry will meet beautiful chicks here...i will make your day fun..
KELVIN: Cool....i really need to relax...
CHARLES: After this we hit the club....this is just past seven we should be in the club.
KELVIN:If you say so my master....i am ready..(both laugh)
CHARLES: So what do you want....?
KELVIN: A bottle of heineken is good to go with...
CHARLES: Hmm....the men's drink...nice choice......waiter...waiter please come...
WAITER:(The waiter comes...)...evening sirs what are you choices...
KELVIN: Get us two bottles of Heineken...
WAITER:(shocked and surprised)....Daniel...
Daniel..... is me Richie...your best friend....your childhood friend....
CHARLES: What are you saying mister....?
RICHIE: Sorry sir....but this is Daniel my friend.....Daniel its me....
KELVIN:(confused) so sorry...i....i don't know name is kelvin Lawson and not Daniel...
RICHIE: But....(Charles cuts in....)..
CHARLES: Shut up....he said he is not Daniel....are you deaf or mad...get out of here....infact kelvin lets get out of here....come on...(they leave as Richie stands in amazement....)
CHARLES:(outside the bar...)....can you imagine that fool....
KELVIN: I don't know...but i feel i know that man from somewhere but i cant place where...
CHARLES: Dont mind that fool....he is crazy..let get out of here...(they enter the c-series Mercedes Benz)
[Friday night Kelvin comes to Charles house for a dinner he was invited to.....]
CHARLES: Oh....kelvin you are welcome....come in....(he comes in....)
KELVIN: Thank you....coming to your house after a long time....
CHARLES: Yeah i know..come on have a seat...(he sits down....) fiancee is in the kitchen.....let me call comes out)
APRIL: Yes...(Seeing Daniel now kelvin she screams....)
KELVIN:(Seeing her first word from his mouth was....)....April!(she faints as Charles looks in confusion and kelvin getting glimpse of his memory...)
Watch out for the next scene.Full of revealing out for intrigue,suspense...08189466125/08133476693....
[April faints as Charles looks in confusion .... kelvin getting glimpse of his memory....]
CHARLES:April...april...(he runs to her as she falls to the ground...)....come on baby...(as he holds her....he carries her outside where his C-series mercedes is parked ..) the gate idiot.... (talking to his gateman.....(charles opens the back door of the white vehicle and place April in it..close it.... enters the lead door and zooms away...kelvin still inside cant explain the incident that just took placed...)
CHARLES:(In the waiting room.... charles moves to and the doctor comes out..)doctor how is my fiancee....?
DOCTOR:She very fine sir....its just a lost of consciousness...
CHARLES:Thank God she is can i see her...
DOCTOR:Sure....follow me to her ward....(he follows him to the ward)
CHARLES:(Seeing her he runs towards her...) are you baby....?
APRIL:(Sounds feeble..) fine...i know you have a lot of questions to ask....
CHARLES:Not now...what is important is dear...i trust you...(he kiss her hand...)
[Meanwhile kelvin finds himself in a bar drinking some flashs of his memory hits him....he drops his money on the table....walks outside... enters his clean BMW...and rides to the cokobar hotel...)
KELVIN;(He walks towards the bartender).....please am looking for someone....a worker here....
BARMAN: Who...sir....?
KELVIN:A man...tall...dark...keeps no beard... very slim....(describing the person in words and gestures...)
BARMAN:Tall....dark and slim...(thinking...).that should be Richie...
KELVIN:Yes....yes....he said his name is Richie..
BARMAN:Ha....Richie was sacked from this hotel due to his behaviour to certain customers....the manager fired him...
KELVIN:Do you know where this Richie live.......?.
BARMAN:I am not so close to him....but wait let me call a friend of his....who is also working here...(he enters the inner room...after some minutes....he comes out with john).....this is the man that wants to see Richie....
JOHN:I hope there is nothing wrong sir....
KELVIN:Not at all...seeing Richie is very important to me...there is nothing wrong...
JOHN:Ok....let me write out the address...(he writes out the address on a small note and hands it over to kelvin..)
KELVIN:Thank you so much....(he goes outside and heads home...the next morning kelvin drives towards the address given to him..after driving for minutes he arrives at the Agege area...he enters the black gate after confirming the number of the house....he sees an older man with chewing stick in his mouth holding a static radio outside.... who seems to be the landlord of the bungalow house...)
LANDLORD:Morning...(in a yoruba tone)....
KELVIN:Please i am looking for Richie....
LANDLORD:Ha.. .that debtor....that stupid boy that has refused to pay me my six month rent....(in yoruba tone)....that...(kelvin cuts in)..
KELVIN:Please i have no time here....where is his room....?
LANDLORD:Ha..ok...go to the fourth room at the left side....(in yoruba tone....)
KELVIN:Thank you sir...(he goes towards that direction....getting to the door...he knocks on the door....again...and again...)
RICHIE:Yes....who is there....(he opens the door wearing only boxers...seeing daniel...he tries to close the door but kelvin holds the door...)
KELVIN:Do you really know me....then please help me....
RICHIE:(minutes speculating...)...Ok...but give me a minute...(he slams the door...after three minutes a lady comes out of the room as kelvin stares in surprise...)
KELVIN:(He enters...)...Richie you will never change....(surprised with his words...)...did i just say that....
RICHIE:You did...(he locks the door...)...i wont blame you because that is what daniel always say to me....
KELVIN:Who is this daniel....?...(confused) are daniel...the son of Charles and Debra Nwoke.You were born in Abeokuta,ogun state....was admitted in UNILAG to study fell in love with a girl called April...that was the begining of your troubles....her father hunted you down.....(kelvin cuts in....)
KELVIN:And killed my parents....he murded my mother and papi..he also tried to kill me..(Richie opens his mouth in shock...)..i had an accident and i....i..lost my memory...(In anger,shock....mixed feelings and expression)
RICHIE:I knew Don williams as a hard man but killing your parents was the height of it..
KELVIN:I remember..Don williams....don williams that murderer...
RICHIE:After so many years i was told you were dead....
KELVIN:I was rescued.. he changed me...and named me kelvin lawson...
KELVIN:Don kay....the man who helped i know who i memory is back....same with my revenge my name is DANIEL NWOKE
Watch out for the next scene as the drama becomes more intriguing....08189466125/08133476693...
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